To Our Shores: The Project


The Writing…

"Write from the Heart” -Creative Writing For Migrants is just the beginning of a wider project. It involves teaching and mentoring immigrants as they negotiate the process of telling and writing their stories in various written forms.

The ART…

Each written piece will be complemented by cultural artwork which is either an artists response to the written work, portrays the participant’s stories or is a visual prompt about the culture they come from. The artwork can be from artists other than the writers and may be in any media or format. An exhibition at the Arts Village Rotorua will be launched as an evening of diversity complete with traditional song, dance and oral story telling.


To Our Shores- a celebration of writing by new New Zealanders will be a selection of written works in various genres compiled, edited, published and illustrated by the exhibited artworks along with creative photographs of the writers in a way which tell the viewer more about them as a person and about their culture.