Travel Writing | Three information – packed hours including both written and practical activities to set you on the road to becoming a published travel writer


  • The Arts Village - Rotorua

  • The Artery - Tauranga


  • June, 2024

  • July, 2024


Angie Belcher

Don’t use Covid as an excuse not to travel. Sure, we are limited internationally, but what about the discoveries and adventures all around us? My ‘overseas’ trips this year are to New Zealand’s off shore islands. There are so many, so close. By local fizz-boat, launch, ferry or flying, I am only limited by my imagination and my finances. There is no better time to write. Someone has to research and write the thousands of articles needed for print and online content. Articles to encourage nation-wide travel or to entertain those unfortunate to be locked down. Why shouldn’t it be you? Join me on the next workshop to start you journey into the world of travel writing.


What you’ll learn:


What makes a topic interesting, finding the angle, identifying markets in terms of content, style, format. Writing that catchy opening, building and holding interest in the body of the article. Supplying side bars and recourse boxes.


Interviewing techniques and using quotes. Taking great photographs to accompany your article. Writing captions, understanding copyright and permission releases.


Getting that article into print or online. Approaching markets, pitching your ideas / mastering the art of the query letter. The pros and cons of queries, commissions and sending unsolicited articles. Answering the most important questions: Will I make any money? Get free opportunities? Or, just have the pleasure of seeing my work in print?